Farmer Marketing Produce with Smartphone

  1. Title of Use Example: A farmer in Uganda conveniently buys and sells product through a smart phone app.
  2. Media upload to use example photos and articles:
  3. Links to use example videos, articles and photos:

  1. Brief description of use example (up to 150 words):Ugandan farmers depend on market days at specific times and places to sell product. Market days create additional costs for farmers in terms of storing product for market days, transporting product to markets, and using middlemen to bring product to markets. Besides, a farmer may not be able to sell all his product on a market day. A smartphone app that connects buyers and sellers directly to decide on price, place, date and time of delivery, eliminates middlemen and physical markets, and may impact farmers’ profits. The farmer takes pictures of his product, and uploads that with price, location and a phone number to the app. A buyer scrolls through product listing in the application and if he wants to buy a particular product, he calls the seller to arrange the transaction. The farmer can also post product advertisements for fellow farmers who do not have smart phones.
  2. Economic area of this use example:Agriculture
  3. Role(s) of the person(s) using the digital technology:Farmer
  4. Digital technology used:A smartphone with Internet connectivity
  5. Software applications (if applicable):Agro Market Day
  6. Purpose(s) for digital technology use:A farmer with adequate digital literacy and access to Agro Market Day can lower costs and reduce reliance on middlemen and physical marketplaces to buy and to sell product. By finding price information from several marketplaces and by posting advertisements, the farmer widens his marketplaces even internationally to buy and sell product. He will have an advantage over other farmers who primarily rely on physical, local marketplaces and middlemen to buy and sell product.
  7. Key actions/interactions/transactions in use example:

10a. Actions (without involving other parties): A farmer charges his smart phone and turns it on. The farmer can carry his phone while working. A farmer finds and downloads the Agro Market Day app from the Android store. The farmer registers and logs in with a phone number and password. The farmer takes pictures of his product, and uploads that with price, location and a phone number to the app. A farmer can search for a particular product in the app and view listings. The farmer can also browse agricultural news, view recommendations for where to buy genuine agricultural tools and inputs (herbicides; pesticides; fertilizers; etc.), and can access price information from several marketplaces.

10b. Interactions (with other parties): A buyer can call a seller and arrange time, date and location for transaction. A farmer with a smartphone can cooperate with a farmer without a smartphone to post produce advertisements on the app for the farmer without a smartphone. The farmer with the smartphone can cooperate with the farmer without a smartphone and a buyer to transact.

10c. Transactions (materials/money exchanged with others): Buyers and sellers exchange product and money at an agreed upon date, time and location.

  1. Additional comments and use example implications:The government intends agri-business to become a major export for Uganda. Digital literacy and technology for each farmer can help boost national income and exports, and entice more young people to become farmers. However, existing physical marketplace practices may discourage farmers from buying and selling, and discourage others from becoming farmers. In addition, many Ugandans are farmers but the majority of Uganda’s farmers are peasants who do not own smart phones. Uganda needs sufficient smart phone saturation and Internet data infrastructure to support widespread farmer smart phone use.
  2. Use Example Competences and Proficiency Levels

Digital literacy competences related to the use example have been identified below, and beside each identified competence is a brief description of adequate performance for the competence.

Competence area Competences Adequate performance level
0. Devices and software operations 0.1 Physical operations of digital devices The farmer can input a simcard, charge his smart phone and turn it on. The farmer can carry his phone while working. The farmer knows how to take a picture with the smart phone camera.
0.2 Identifying software to operate digital devices The farmer can set up the smart phone operating system settings and is aware of Internet connectivity.
1. Information and data literacy 1.1 Browsing, searching and filtering data, information and digital content The farmer is able to search for and download the Agro Market Day app from the Android store. The farmer can search for a particular product in the app and view listings. The farmer can also browse agricultural news and access prices from several markets.
1.2 Evaluating data, information and digital content The farmer can compare prices in different markets. A farmer can evaluate recommendations for where to buy genuine agricultural tools and inputs (herbicides; pesticides; fertilizers; etc.) and make purchase decisions.
1.3 Managing data, information and digital content The farmer can organize multiple prices for multiple products in multiple marketplaces to buy and to sell.
2. Communication and collaboration 2.1 Interacting through digital technologies A buyer can call a seller and arrange time, date and location for transaction. The farmer with the smartphone can cooperate with the farmer without a smartphone and a buyer to transact.
2.2 Sharing through digital technologies A farmer with a smartphone can cooperate with a farmer without a smartphone to post produce advertisements on the app for the farmer without a smartphone.
2.3 Engaging in citizenship through digital technologies
2.4 Collaborating through digital technologies
2.5 Netiquette
2.6 Managing digital identity
3. Digital content creation 3.1 Developing digital content The farmer takes pictures of his product, and uploads that with price, location and a phone number to the app.
3.2 Integrating and re-elaborating digital content
3.3 Copyright and licences
3.4 Programming
4. Safety 4.1 Protecting devices The farmer is able to register the app and log in with a phone number and password.
4.2 Protecting personal data and privacy The farmer does not disclose password or sensitive information about himself or a fellow farmer.
4.3 Protecting health and well-being
4.4 Protecting the environment
5. Problem solving 5.1 Solving technical problems
5.2 Identifying needs and technological responses A farmer without a smartphone identifies the approach to cooperate with a farmer with a smartphone and Agro Market Day to post advertisements of the farmer’s product. A farmer decides on whether to post an advertisement for product or to go to a market based on prices at marketplaces.
5.3 Creatively using digital technologies
5.4 Identifying digital competence gaps
5.5 Computational thinking
6. Career-related competences 6.1 Operating specialized digital technologies for a particular field

6.2 Interpreting data, information and digital content for a particular field